
What is memory saver and energy saving mode in Google Chrome?

 What is the memory saver and energy-saving mode in Google Chrome?

What is memory saver and energy saving mode in Google Chrome?

When I restarted Chrome on Mac, suddenly a pop-up about "memory saver" appeared and disappeared immediately.

So when I looked into ``What was it now?'', Google announced on December 8, 2022, that it would add a function to optimize battery consumption and memory (RAM) to Google Chrome for desktop and it looks like that feature has been implemented.

By the way, the version of Chrome is "108.0.5359.124".

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce what functions Google Chrome's memory-saver and energy-saving mode.

What is Chrome Memory Saver?

Chrome has the problem that if you open a lot of tabs, each one will occupy memory, so the more tabs you open, the slower it will become.

There are some extensions to solve this problem, but with this Chrome update, Chrome itself has a memory save function that frees up the memory occupied by tabs that are open but not in use. the function has been installed.

According to Google's announcement, it saves up to 40%, 10GB of memory, and makes movement smoother.

By the way, inactive tabs that are not used will be reloaded as needed.

It also has a function to always activate certain websites, so add websites that are inconvenient when deactivated by the memory saver function to the memory saver exclusion list.

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How to turn Chrome's memory saver on and off

  • open google chrome
  • Click Chrome from the menu on the screen
  • click on settings
  • Click Performance from the sidebar
  • Toggle memory saver on or off

Alternatively, you can open the performance screen by accessing "chrome://settings/performance" from Google Chrome.

What is Chrome's energy-saving mode?

The second new feature is "energy saving mode".

Similar to Memory Saver, it has long been said that Chrome consumes more battery than other browsers such as Safari.

"Energy saving mode" was introduced to solve such a problem.

When energy-saving mode is turned on, it reduces battery consumption by suppressing background activities and visual effects.

The default setting is "off", but you can set it to "turn on energy saving mode when the remaining battery level is less than 20%" or "turn on only when the battery is running" in "settings".

How to turn on/off energy-saving mode

  • open google chrome
  • Click Chrome from the menu on the screen
  • click on settings
  • Click Performance from the sidebar
  • Turn energy saving mode on or off

Alternatively, you can open the performance screen by accessing "chrome://settings/performance" from Google Chrome.

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I still don't feel "lighter"

As of this writing, I've only used Google Chrome's memory-saver and energy-saver modes for a few hours.

Therefore, there is no real feeling that "the occupied memory has decreased and it has become lighter". I'll tell you in another article or update this article how I feel when I use it in the future.

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