
How To Open Flash Player That Have Been Blocked By Browser

How to open a Blocked Flash Player - In our everyday activities in the internet world, we desperately need once one of the most plugin we need and we are looking for that is the Flash Player, Flash Player is a Plugin for a browser made by ADOBE company that we use to Watch Streaming video on a browser, without the plugin flash player this then we can't watch streaming videos we want directly from the browser by means of Streaming videos directly from the browser.

What happens if the flash player is blocked?

But what happens when flash player is blocked or must request the update as I feel right now, when I want to watch online video not video blue looo but it turned out I got even a video with a black screen like in the picture below, and it turns out that the flash player that I have blocked with writings such as the image below:

How To Open Flash Player That Have Bean Block By Browser

dizziness is not what more you one of the fans of online streaming video in one of my blogs or websites are indeed provide video streaming on the websites they manage, a provider of website for streaming video is pretty much until we were in desperate need of plugin applications.

The cause of our flash player terblokirnya, one of which was that the application had long we never update or there is indeed a plugin from the browser that we have the block plugin of flash player that we have.

On this occasion I will try to tell you how the solution if the application flash player we blocked them on the akibatkan by our pernahnya not updating to flash player applications we are, how well the solution??

How do I solve it?

To address this I encourage you to always update your flash player, if you do not want this to happen again, the solution is not easy:D hehehe. But if you already have never updated the flash player application that we have then we can update its manual way.

To start an update to flash player applications we manually you can download the application directly on the web courtesy of adobe. After we have finished downloading the adobe flash player application then we can directly meninstall the application by pressing the next-next-next if you are using a windows operating system applications:D hehehe.

However, if at the time we want to update flash player we've had and we then experience a failure, then you are required to not give up. If you have kegagaln then you need to uninstall it first application adobe flash player you have or your old flash player application before you install flash player that you have last untuh the new.

To uninstall the old Flash player or you have head before you can sign in to the program and future on your windows operating system by pressing the Start button, and then select the button Control Panel the control panel and select Programs And then in the Future, adobe flash player application you currently have an earlier right click on Adobe flash player and select uninstall for menghapas adobe flash player application you've had before.

If you do not want to install the new adobe flash player with the reason, "a new flash player makes the process from any computer or laptop you're going very heavy", you can resolve it by clicking "activate adobe flash" in the flash player which ter-block.

By doing click on the text "activate adobe flash", then you can watch the streaming video you want, however this did not last long, if you visit a website that has a streaming video then you will get the same warnings until you update your adobe flash player application so I suggest to you that it is indeed a hobby to watch video by way of streaming , to update the application adobe flash player you have this as a convenience when you want to watch streaming video of your pet.


In any free software that we are indeed encouraged to frequently update the application with the goal to eliminate security gaps, the goal is to prevent a person from the outside can not access our computer via the free application. So if you have a free application and ask for an update then update the application.

well all this used to be my article about How To Open Flash Player That Have Been Blocked By Browser may article that I created this time can help you to resolve your problem about flash player.

thanks for read my article about how to fix some thing

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