
How to Disable/turn off Windows 10 Upgrade in Windows 7 and Windows 8 Forever

How to Disable/turn off Windows 10 Upgrade in Windows 7 and Windows 8 Forever - Maybe this time all mu friend who currently uses the operating system windows 7 and windows 8 always get a notice to upgrade windows you to a newer version of windows i.e. windows 10.

But certainly not all old versions of windows users who want to upgrade to windows 10.

This is likely because, if we upgrade to windows 10 then there will be applications that can not run properly in this latest version of windows.

Whether it's the hardware of our computer or computer software. And if this happens then it is certainly our work be delayed just because we're upgrading a version of windows to a new windows 10 version.

But with the wishes of the parties from Microsoft which planned to do the installation of a windows 10 to all computer devices into all around the world. then there is the concern of us if we are going to be forced by Microsoft windows for upgrade version of windows 7 or windows 8 to windows 10 versions.

But don't worry why?

 The application is named Never10. Never10 application created by Steve Gibson is more known as the software developer and founder of Gibson Research

How to disable/turn off upgrade to windows 10

To disable the windows upgrade to 10 quite easily. You only need to perform and follow the steps below.

  • Search Never10 Application in the following address https://goo.gl/fvYISi
  • After that you can run the application.
  • If windows 10 upgrades on your computer is working or enable the then click the "Disable win10 upgrade".
  • There will be a popup notify back which if the upgrade to windows 10 has in turn off or disable on your computer.
  • If it is then you can press the "exit"
How to Disable/turn off Windows 10 Upgrade in Windows 7 and Windows 8 Forever

By using my article above then the current computer or laptop that you currently use and installed windows 7 or windows 8 will never upgrade to windows 10 again, unless you want to upgrade to windows 10

"Many users of Windows 7 and 8.1 are happy with their current version of Windows and have no wish to upgrade to Windows 10." Steve Gibson
Thank you have read my articles with title How to Disable/turn off Windows 10 Upgrade in Windows 7 and Windows 8 Forever. look forward to keep this in my article how to do geeks

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